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June 27, 2011


Many a times in my life
I’m dropped, crumpled
And grounded into the dirt
By the decisions I make
And the circumstances
That comes my way.
I feel as though I’m worthless
But no matter what has happened
Or what will happen
I’ll never loss my value
Dirty or clean, crumpled or creased
I’m still priceless
To those who love me
The worth of my life
Comes not in what I do
Or who I know
But by who am I
I’m special
I don’t ever forget it.

June 21, 2011


I’ve a wife and my wife has a husband
I with her make a unit of human culture
I with her know how critical are
Mutual respect and recognition
To maintain the health of our marriage
The environment is as important to our marriage
So is for the relationships – among the tribes.
If I’m a Nyishi and she’s an Adi

I with her still make a unit of human culture.
In our day to day living
I with her try never to lie
I with her behave this way
Because it is obvious
That this is the proper way
To behave as human being
I foster love and she thrusts trust
I with her try to live forever happy.


Breaking off all the worldly barriers,
I want to remain as youthful as ever
At least in my thoughts.
With the graceful passage of years
Which we call as AGE,
I want to adorn my youth
With a soul which is
Neither young nor old;

Intrinsically it is outside time,
And identically the same
At the end of a heavily burdened life
As on the morning of rising sun.
When I speak of a soul as young or old
I am not trying to import chronology
Into something that is outside time.
That is impossible.
What I am discussing is the soul
As a psychological reality.
This demands an explanation.

Our actions have their origin in ourselves
And yet they shape us;
They dispose us to act this way or that,
They create an inclination,
A personal way of forming a judgment.
And as the result of such judgments
And choices and basic preferences
Provided they are often enough repeated
And fit in with each other - a spirit,
A mentality becomes a reality within us.