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March 15, 2010


Sri Sri Bor Da
Sri Sri Thakur says

To uphold
  one's own life and growth
     with that of others
         is Dharma,

and to bind oneself
   with the love-lord
       through sacred devoutness
                                                  and to follow Him accordingly
                                                     is Religion.

March 14, 2010

Jagatmata Bor Maa

Jagatmata Bor Maa

"Keep your eyes
    on yhe welfare of every individual
         with due nurture for the display
             of his existantial tradition
                 and volitional activity;

thus make everyone
    propitious and progressive
        and have the stay of state
            strong in upkeep-condition."

March 12, 2010


Americans are becoming more like Hindus and less like the traditional Christians in the way they think about the God, themselves, and eternity. Many American no longer believe in the idea that theirs is only true religion and all others are false. They believe that many religion can lead to eternal life.

 Sree Sree Thakur

Almighty Mercy
    is ever equitable,
        never equal,
            never same,
               but ever similar;

every specific group of distinctiveness,
    evolves into classes,
       due to the affinity of
           variatal nearness,
              and being becomes thereby;

but sameness invites dissolution
    and disintegration,
       hence, it is a demoniac drag
          to the hell.